FunDelicious Creations, LLC. / The Hungry Hawaiian Snack Co.
Ono Ka Pu'u (Tasteful to the palate)
E Komo Mai! Welcome to your favorite online source for Hawaiian treats, snacks and all your fundraising needs! Hungry Hawaiian can provide you with mouth watering Island treats you remembered as a child - quick, easy and safe. Hungry Hawaiian is a Hawaii owned and operated limited liability corporation on the Island of Oahu. We provide excellent service and a variety of products such as dried fruits, homemade style cookies, gourmet cornbread mixes, nuts & seeds, candies, Li Hing Mui products, and dried seafood. We have been in business since 1996 and provide our customers with the best-quality products and personal service.
We take an enormous pride in our products, and hope you'll find something that you like. However, if there is something that you're looking for that is not offered on this site, please contact us.
We look forward to doing business with you.
A Hui Hou!
546-A Ilimano Street
Kailua, HI, 96734
+808 2627 007
Online Orders ONLY open 24 /7.